Core Platform Features
Text to Speech
Facial Recognition
Low Bandwidth Proctoring
How it works?
TalScore is a highly scalable and cost effective assessment platform providing you complete independence over your assessment process.
Assessment Risk Management Services (ARMS)
TalScore takes malpractices extremely seriously. ARMS is our mechanism that leverages a mix of technology, analytics, reporting and auditing to monitor assessments on a real time basis and prevent malpractices.
+ NEMPACT attendance and geotagging app
+ Assessment logs
+ Periodic photo-capture
+ Assessment security features and randomization of papers
+ NEMPACT attendance and geotagging app
+ Data points captured through the technology platform are reviewed to find macro trends to establish assessor performance
+ Pass fail ratios
+ Data capture quality
+ ARMS has developed detailed compliance documents that provides detailed guidelines on SLA’s and compliances
+ Training partners are provided guidance on measures to be adopted
+ ARMS team has a full time monitoring cell that is active throughout the time the assessment is conducted
+ ARMS monitors real time data and is in periodic contact with the TP as well as assessor ensuring proper monitoring